Programme SAP RCSARCH2 - Report for archiving BOMs, deletion program

BOM reorganisation deletion run

This program enables you to delete the BOM data that you previouslyarchived, from the database.

The system imports all data records from the archive and checks thedata record of each individualalternative BOM for howup-to-date and how complete it is:

  • If a data record from the database was changed, deleted or added after
  • the archiving run, which has resulted in differences between the datain the database and data in the archive, then the system flags all
    data records of the corresponding alternative BOM as not fordeletion.
    • The data records that have therefore only been archived because other
    • data records are assigned to them, are flagged as not for deletion
      Therefore, a BOM header that is still valid and is archived, is flaggedas not for deletion, because an item assigned to it is deleted.
      • The system checks whether other data records have dependencies.
      • Therefore, for example, a STZU-record is only allowed to be deletedwith the last alternative. To determine the dependencies, the systemuses the implicit data model of the BOM organisation as the basis.
        Consequently the system deletes all remaining archived data records aswell as the data records the the dependent objects:
        • Long texts

        • Change documents

        • Classification data
        • Selection
          You can specify that the deletion program is only started in the testrun. In the test run, the checks for how complete and how up-to-datethe archived data is, take place as in the normal run. However, no datarecords are deleted from the database.

          At the end of the deletion run, the system generates a spool list whichproduces a summary of the expired processes. The list is structured intwo blocks:
          Alternative BOMs not deleted due to an incorrect archive status(indicated by |@0W@)
          deleted alternative BOMs (indicated by |@11@)
          Both blocks are made up of a summary and a detailed list of databaseentries:

          • In the summary you can find the number of affected data records
          • for each database table.
            • In the detail list the individual data records are displayed per
            • alternative BOM.
              If more references exist for a data record, the system does notphysically delete the data record from the database, only thereferences.

912916STST entries missing after standard BOM is archived