Programme SAP RCRM_FM_LRTP_POSTING_TO_FM - Live Rates Posting to FM

This report posts budget amounts calculated from live rates planning andposts any additional fund budget amounts that are manually added to thelive rates plan. Budget amounts are posted to funds that are determinedafter running the Live Rates Fund Determination report.
For more information, see SAP Library for SAP CRM on SAP Help Portal at -> SAPCRM 7.0 Enhancement Package 1 -> Application Help -> SAP CustomerRelationship Management -> Marketing -> Trade Promotion Management ->Live Rates Planning.


The following report processing options are available:

  • Choose the Live Rates Plan ID to run the report for.

  • Choose the Live Rates Planning Element ID only if you created new
  • live rates planning elements after you initially ran this report.
    • Choose Parallel Processing to process multiple objects at the
    • same time. For more information, see Define Settings for ParallelProcessing in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management ->Trade Promotion Management -> Live Rates -> General Settings.

      The output log is available immediately after you run the job. You canalso retrieve it at a later time by using the transaction
      Analyse Application Log (SLG1). It is stored in the objectCRM_FM_LRTP in the subobject POST_TO_FM.