Programme SAP RCRAPDX2 - Data Transfer of workcenters

Data Transfer of Work Centers

You use this report RCRAPDX2 to transfer work centers from your legacysystem to an SAP system, or from an SAP system to another SAP system,using the direct input technique.
You can execute the report within the Data Transfer workbench, usingobject ID 260.
The input file name is a required field and is displayed on the initialscreen as workcent.txt as a default.
When the report RCRAPDX2 has been executed, you can view any exceptionsor unprocessed work centers in the error log by selectingApplication Log.

If you transfer work centers from the legacy system, you must prepareand convert the data into a sequential input file that has the samestructure as the dataset generated by the report RCRAPDX1. See thedocumentation on report RCRAPDX1.
You must create pool capacities and cost centers in your target SAPsystem before you can assign them to the work centers.

The report RCRAPDX2 does not transfer the following screens:multi-language texts, classification, sub-system grouping, technicaldata, capacity profiles, people, position, qualifications andhierarchies.

352485Work center consulting note