Programme SAP RCPX0002 - XPRA f. Correctn of Std Task List Usage & Processg Type in T430,T430T

The aim of the conversion is to be able to use entries in Tables T430(control key) and T430T (control key texts) in all task list types,independent of the task list usage. For this, the application-specificvalue of the task list usage needs to be changed to an application-neutral value.
Step 1:
Replace task list usage >P< in the key field PLNAW from control keytable T430 and in the key of the corresponding text table T430T with thedummy value >*< for all entries from application P. The correspondingentries in T430T are adapted accordingly.
Step 2:
Replace task list usage >Q< in the key field PLNAW of control key tableT430 and in the key of the corresponding text table T430T with thedummy value >*< for all entries from application P.The corresponding entries in T430T are adapted accordingly.