Programme SAP RCOCBX02 - Convert Process Messages: Transfer Order Number to Message Header

Conversion Program for Process Messages: Transferring the Order Numberin Characteristic PPPI_PROCESS_ORDER to the Process Message Header

As of Release 4.6A, the value assigned to characteristicPPPI_PROCESS_ORDER is transferred to the process message header to makeprocess message selection more efficient.
This conversion program allows you to transfer the order number to themessage header for messages that were created before Release 4.6A
The program makes changes in the logon client only.
Depending on the number of process messages available in the logonclient, the program runtime may be very long. For this reason, werecommend scheduling the conversion as a background job. You cancontinue to work with your system as usual during the conversion.


The system does not create a log for this program. If the program iscompleted without termination, all messages have been convertedcorrectly. If the program terminates, you can start it again any time.
