Programme SAP RCNCC200 - Master Reconciliation Report: Consistency Sales Order/Project

You can use this program to conduct consistency checks (reconcile masterdata) between sales orders and projects.
The consistency being checked is that between the sales document,billing element and the settlement rule in the billing element.
The following checks are possible:
Unique SD-PS assignment
If you set this indicator, only one sales document item per salesdocument may be assigned to a WBS element
Settlement check
If you set this indicator, the system checks the settlement rule. Youmust specify the settlement strategy for the objects to be checked.
Only one settlement
Settlement only to Profitability Analysis
Characateristis in the settlement rule
The selected characteristics in the settlement rule for the billingelement are checked for their consistency with other objects.
If you choose this option in the selection screen, the system triggersthe validation when checking a sales document against the relevantbilling element.
For more information on the validation, see the SAP Library underFinancial Accounting -> Special Purpose Ledger -> Validations andSubstitutions.
Objects to be checked
The selection screen lists the objects checked by the program. Thechecking options are:
No check
Consistency check only
If an object exists, the system checks the consistency of thefields/characteristics in the sales documents, billing element and thesettlement rule for the billing element.
Consistency and existence checks
If no object exists, the system outputs an appropriate message.Otherwise, it checks the consistency.
The program checks the fields/characteristics you select. Not all ofthe fields/characteristics have to exist in the objects being checkedbecause the program only checks the consistency of thefields/characteristics, not their existence.

The options you select decide how the consistency check will look indetail. We will suppose that you have chosen to check the plant,business area and sales organization for an order. The program willcheck the consistency of these three fields in the order elements andrelevant billing elements. It disregards the settlement rule for thebilling element.
If you then choose to check the characteristics in the settlement rule,the program then also then includes the characteristics of the billingelement settlement rule in its consistency check.

The program generates a log showing, among other things, any errors andinconsistencies found. You can branch directly from the log to theobject concerned to check the error and correct it as necessary.
Validation Example
The following conditions apply:

  • The sales group in the sales order is to be the same as the profit
  • center in the billing element.
    • Only sales orders are to be checked.

    • This means you must maintain validation as follows:
      Step 1
      $VBTYP > 'C'
      $VKGRP = $PRCTR