Programme SAP RCNCC020 - Analysis of Value Category Assignments

This program checks the assignments of cost elements or commitmentitems to value categories which were made in the Project Systemimplementation guide. The traffic signals at the end of a node areused to direct the search for errors:
Green : There are no incorrect assignments below this hierarchy level.
Amber : There are unassigned cost elements or commitment items, or the
cost element/commitment item shown in the value category does
not exist in the system.
Red : There are serious assignment errors.
Example: A cost element has been assigned to more than one
category or cost elements with different cost
elements categories were assigned to a value
The traffic signal color is passed up through the hierarchy.
In addition, the cost elements are shown in different colors, by costelement category.
Different colors are used for the following cost element categories and
commitment items:
Costs and credit-side payments
Revenues and debit-side payments
Not defined
Balance items
Where assignments are correct, each value category will contain cost
elements and commitment items of only one category.
You can use the display and change buttons or the Extras menu, you canaccess the display and change transactions directly from this program,for the purpose of correcting the errors.
Press the Refresh button so that the changes are immediately evident inthe display.
If you change value category assignments, you must reconstruct theproject information database.

67275Unwanted allocation of costs and sales revenues