Programme SAP RCLAUSPT - Convert Table AUSP

Engineering change management with parameter effectivity requires newlogic for storing the characteristic values assigned to objects (tableAUSP). The existing logic is enhanced and simplified.
This report program lets you convert the existing logic to the new logicfor one class type, without changing AUSP records for other class types.
You can still use engineering change management with date effectivity(valid-from date) after running this report program.
First, the report program reads all the objects and classes in AUSP thatbelong to your class type, and copies them to database table TCOBJ. Thistable is then used to process the AUSP records in order. Once the AUSPrecords for an object and class have been converted and saved to thedatabase, they are deleted from table TCOBJ. The number of objects thathave been processed so far is displayed in the status line.
If you restart the report program after it has been cancelled or afterinconsistent data caused the program to terminate, the program continuesprocessing the objects and classes that currently remain in table TCOBJ.
Once all the records have been converted successfully, the reportprogram adapts Customizing. The ECM (parameter) indicator is nowavailable for entry for the class type.
Finally, the program shows statistics of the number of objects andrecords. This conversion can considerably reduce the number of AUSPrecords for a class type, depending on how many objects have had valuesassigned using engineering change management, and how often.
Input parameters

  • Class type:

  • All objects and classes of this class type are converted to the newlogic.
    • Number of objects per database transaction:

    • Number of objects that are converted temporarily before saving theassigned value records to the database. This figure influences theperformance of the report program. We advise you not to change it.
      • Test run only:

      • The converted records are not saved to the database. You can displaythem on the screen and check them.
        • Display list of records on screen:

        • The main fields of the converted records are listed on screen.
          Other notes:
          • While the report program is running, Customizing table TCLA is locked
          • against changes, so you cannot classify objects or classes using theclass type you are processing.
            • The runtime of the report program depends on the total number of AUSP
            • records, the number of AUSP records to be changed, the SAP systemlandscape, and your hardware constellation.
              A guide value for performance is around 7000-10,000 records.
              • Existing class types can only be converted to the new logic by using
              • this report program, even if no classified objects or classes exist forthe class type.
                • As of Release 4.5A, each new class type you create in Customizing is
                • automatically set to the new AUSP logic. This means that there is noneed to run this report program for new class types.
                  Changed database tables
                  • AUSP

                  • TCLA

                  • TCOBJ (new)
                  • Precondition

                    • Release 4.5A or later

                    • Run report program RMAUSPDL if change numbers have
                    • been used with the class type.