Programme SAP RCF_SEARCH_MISSING_PROFILES - Creation of Change Pointers for Missing Search Profiles

You can use this report to create missingsearch profiles.
SAP E-Recruiting saves structured data of the following objectsas search profiles within Knowledge Provider (KPro):Candidate (NA), Posting (NC), Requisition (NB) orCandidacy (Assignment) (NE). These search profiles are created bya periodically scheduled job RCF_PERIODICAL_SERVICES for thoseobjects for which a change pointer exists in the tableT77RCF_SPT_CP.

If you run the report in the Change: Determine/Create Missing SearchProfiles processing mode, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • The system does not execute the service for periodic jobs at the
  • same time.
    • Users (candidates, recruiters, succession planners) cannot make any
    • changes to objects if this report creates change pointers for theseobjects.

      The following selection fields are available:

      • Search Profile Type

      • Search profile type of the search profile that you want to create.
        • Object ID

        • IDs of the objects for which you want to create a change pointer,if necessary
          If you do not restrict the object IDs, the report performs a search ofall objects of the specified search profile type.

          Processing modes
          You select the processing mode in which you want to run the report.
          The following processing modes are available:

          • Change: Determine/Create Missing Search Profiles

          • The report determines the list of object IDs with missing searchprofiles for a selected search profile type and displays this list inthe List of Missing Search Profiles view. You can then use theCreate Change Pointer for Search Profiles function to createchange pointers for these object IDs.
            When the report is run in the background, it creates the change pointerdirectly. In this case, the report does not display an output view.
            • Plan: Determine Object IDs for Package

            • In the Package Size field, you enter the maximum number ofobjects for which you want to create the change pointers in one reportcycle. The report determines the start and end object IDs of thepackages for the selected package size, where the object ID pairdefines a package of objects with missing search profiles.
              If you want to run the report in the background, you have to select asearch profile type.
              We recommend you run the report first in planning mode. You can use thestart and end object IDs delivered by the report in this case to createthe change pointers for the objects with missing search profiles foreach package. To do this, you enter as a selection criterion the objectIDs that define a package and then choose the processing modeChange: Determine/Create Missing Search Profiles.

              The output of the report depends on the processing mode and the type ofexecution.
              Running the report in the foreground

              • Change: Determine/Create Missing Search Profiles

              • For the selected search profile type, the report displays a listof the IDs of the objects with missing search profiles. The reportdisplays the number of determined objects in the header of the output.
                Once the Create Change Pointer for Search Profiles activity hasbeen executed, the report displays a list for the selected searchprofile type of the object IDs for which no change pointercould be created. The report displays the number of these objects in theheader of the output.
                • Plan: Determine Object IDs for Package

                • For a specified search profile type, the report displays a listof the start and end object IDs for the selected package size.The output header contains the number of object IDs determined.
                  Running the report in the background
                  You can also execute both processing modes in the background. You canthen use transaction SM37 to view the relevant output lists.

                  Enter the selection criteria.
                  Select a processing mode.
                  Run the report.
                  If necessary, select the Create Change Pointer for Search Profiles
                  function in the List of Missing Search Profiles view. Thisstep is only necessary if you do not run the report in the background.
                  If errors occur when creating the change pointers, you can usetransaction SLG1 to view them.