Programme SAP RCF_CREATE_USER - Create Internal Users and Candidates for SAP E-Recruiting

Users of the SAP E-Recruiting application require otherapplication attributes in addition to the technical object USER.
For example, each internal user in SAP E-Recruiting requires aunique e-mail address, an employee requires anemployee number, and a candidate requires a candidatestatus.
This program creates these objects and attributes consistently.

  • You should run this program when initially creating the first user (for
  • example, the administrator) only if you use SAP E-Recruiting inthe non-integrated scenario. The administrator then creates all otherusers on his start page using the User Maintenance function. As arule, however, the external candidates register themselves using theappropriate Web scenarios, and the internal candidates (employees) areimported from an HR system using the master data interface (ALE).
    • In the integrated scenario (SAP E-Recruiting and SAP ERP
    • Central Component run on one instance), you cannot run theprogram as this then results in data inconsistencies. (See alsoSoftware Runs on One Instance.)

1387335RCF_CREATE_USER: Employees receive confirmation e-mail
740858Runtime error in RCF_CREATE_USER & registration