Programme SAP RCF_CORRECT_ATTACHMENT_PROP - Sychronization of Attachment Attributes Between Table HRP5134 and KPro

You can use this report to correct specific attributes of theattachments stored in Knowledge Provider (KPro).
These attributes are:
Language (= KPro attribute LANGUAGE)
Attachment Type (= KPro attribute HR_ATTRIBUTE1)
In SAP E-Recruiting, you can save unstructured data for objects (such asCandidate or Requisition) in the form of attachmentswithin Knowledge Provider (KPro). There is a corresponding entryin the table HRP5134 for each of these attachments. Attachments havespecific attributes. Users can change some of these attributes via theuser interface. These include the language and attachment type of anattachment.
In the past, changing the attachment attributes via the user interfacecould lead to inconsistencies: although the change was contained in thetable HRP5134, the attachment attributes of the corresponding attachmentwere not updated in KPro.
To determine if there are any inconsistencies, you must compare theentries for the attachments in table HRP5134 with the correspondingentries for the attachments in KPro. You can then remove anyinconsistencies.


The following selection fields are available:

  • Object Type

  • Object type for which you want to determine/remove inconsistencies
    • Object ID

    • IDs of the objects for which you want to determine/removeinconsistencies
      • Date of Change

      • Period containing the change date of the selected attachments
        If you do not restrict the object IDs or the change period, the reportperforms a search of all objects of the specified object type.

        Processing modes
        The following processing modes are available:

        • Change: Determine/Remove Inconsistencies

        • The report determines the list of object IDs with inconsistent datarecords for a selected object type and displays this list in theList of Inconsistencies Found view. You can use the RemoveInconsistencies function to correct the inconsistent data records forthese object IDs.
          When the report is run in the background, it corrects the inconsistentdata records directly. In this case, the report does not display anoutput view.
          • Plan: Determine Object IDs for Package

          • In the Package Size field, you enter the maximum number ofobjects for which you want to correct the inconsistent data records inone report cycle. The report determines the start and end object IDs ofthe individual packages for the selected package size, where eachobject ID pair defines a package of inconsistent data records.
            If you want to run the report in the background, you have to select atleast the object type.
            We recommend you run the report first in planning mode. You can use thestart and end object IDs delivered by the report in this case to correctthe inconsistent data records for the objects for each package. To dothis, you enter as a selection criterion the object IDs that define apackage and then choose the processing mode Change: Determine/RemoveInconsistencies.

            The output of the report depends on the processing mode and the type ofexecution.
            Running the report in the foreground

            • Processing mode: Change: Determine/Remove Inconsistencies

            • For the selected object type, the report displays a list of the IDs ofthe objects with inconsistent data records. The report displays thecorresponding number in the header of the output.
              Once you have performed the Remove Inconsistencies activity, thereport displays for the selected object type a list of the object IDsfor which the inconsistent data records could not be corrected. Thereport displays the corresponding number in the header of the output.
              • Processing mode: Plan: Determine Object IDs for Package

              • For a specified object type, the report displays a list of the start andend object IDs for the selected package size. The output headercontains the number of inconsistent data records determined.
                Running the report in the background
                You can also execute both processing modes in the background. You canthen use transaction SM37 to view the relevant output lists.

                Enter the selection criteria.
                Select a processing mode.
                Run the report.
                If necessary, choose the Remove Inconsistencies function in theList of Inconsistencies Found view. This step is only necessaryif you do not run the report in the background.
                If the report determined errors when correcting the inconsistent datarecords, you can view these errors using the transaction SLG1.