Programme SAP RCF_ADDRESS_CHANGE - Program for Changing Address Lines

You can use this correction report to change the sequence of the addresslines in the address management of a business partner of a candidate,branch, or agency, so that the address is correctly displayed in therelevant data overviews, such as the data overview of the candidate (seealso SAP Note 920661 (2006)). For candidates, you use this report onlyfor those candidates that are registered in the Talent Warehouse.Candidates that are deregistered are not included.
In the maintenance view, the order of the address lines in thecommunication data is as follows:

  • Street

  • Street (Continued)

  • However, in the data overviews, the address lines are displayed in thereverse order.
    You can use this report to transfer the data entered in the fieldSTR_SUPPL1 (Street (Continued)) to the field STR_SUPPL3 in the businesspartner for internal and external candidates, branches, or agencies.
    Before the address data is updated, the system locks the data ofcandidates, branches, and agencies. If the data is already locked, forexample, by other users, the system does not make any changes.

    The data of the candidate, agency, or branch must be consistent. Therelationships to the Business Partner and to the CentralPerson must exist.
    The candidate, agency, or branch cannot be locked by other users in thesystem.
    The address field STR_SUPPL3 of the business partner must be empty ineach case.

    Enter the object ID to specify the candidates, agencies, or brancheswhose address lines you want to change.
    In the case of candidates, if you set the Exclude DeregisteredCandidates field, the system makes the changes only for thecandidates who are currently registered in the Talent Warehouse. This isthe standard setting.
    If you set the Test Run field, the system performs a test runwithout changing the data. This is the standard setting.

    When the report has been run, the address data in the business partnerof the selected candidates, agencies, or branches is changed.
    The system displays this result in the form of various messages:

    • The system outputs information messages to all candidates,
    • agencies, or branches whose data was successfully changed. Informationmessages are also output if the field STR_SUPPL3 is already filled inthe business partner.
      • The system outputs warning messages if the address data could not
      • be changed when the report was run. This can happen in the followingsituations:
        Both fields STR_SUPPL1 and STR_SUPPL3 contain data.
        The data of a candidate, branch, or agency is locked.
        The address data is not filled.
        • The system outputs error messages if any exceptions occur when
        • the report is run. Exceptions can also occur due to inconsistencies inthe candidate data. This is the case, for example, if the businesspartner or the central person is not found for the candidate,agency, or branch. The system writes the exceptions to an applicationlog.
          The messages are displayed in the test run and also when the report isrun in the production system.