Programme SAP RCFU600XACT_PRO - Conversion of ACTPROC to ACT_PRO and PROC2SUB

Conversion of table T77RCF_ACTPROC to table T77RCF_ACT_PRO andT77RCF_PROC2SUB

With Release 6.00, SAP E-Recruiting provides new functions forSuccession Planning. For this reason, a new data element Subarea ofE-Recruiting (RCF_SUBAREA) has been implemented and is used in aseries of Customizing tables and infotypes. The system can thendifferentiate, for example, which processes for activities arerelevant for either the Recruitment subarea or the Succession Planningsubarea.
The previous Customizing table for processes, T77RCF_ACTPROC, hasbeen replaced in Release 6.00 with a new table T77RCF_ACT_PRO. Inaddition, entries are now required in a new Customizing tableT77RCF_PROC2SUB to be able to determine the assignment of processesto the subarea of E-Recruiting.
Therefore, the conversion report RCFU600XACT_PRO fills both of the newCustomizing tables T77RCF_ACT_PRO and T77RCF_PROC2SUB for theRecruitment subarea (SUBAREA = ' ') with data from the tableT77RCF_ACTPROC. After the data has been transferred successfully, thereport deletes the entries in table T77RCF_ACTPROC.
A conversion of the data for the Succession Planning subarea (SUBAREA ='SCP') is not relevant here as the corresponding Customizing orfunctions did not exist in previous releases of SAP E-Recruiting.

This report runs within the framework of the 6.00 upgrade of SAPE-Recruiting as XPRA. It can be launched at any time.

876943Customizing for T77RCF_PROC2SUB and T77RCF_ACT_PRO