Programme SAP RCCYLOAD - Initialization of Basic Load

In the report for initializing the basic load the capacity requirementsfor orders are selected for the basic load.
You select the capacity requirements

  • order-related and/or

  • operation and requirements-specific

  • If you make an order-related selection you create with your selectionwhole orders for the basic load.
    If you make an operation or requirements-specific selection you onlyselect individual operations or capacity requirements for operationsfor the basic load. If with this selection you choose a work center thenall operations are selected that are allocated to this work center.
    If a work center relates to a pooled capacity then you can select forthe basic load all further capacity requirements at this pooledcapacity by means of the indicator Select all requirements for thepooled capacity affected.
    If you set the indicator Always use whole orders for the basic load then the whole order is selected for the basic load if at least oneoperation or capacity requirement for this order fulfills the selectioncriteria.

159337Capacity Check: Basic Load