Programme SAP RCCSEC_MIGRATION_075 - Migration of Credit Card Encryption in Travel Management

You can use this program to encrypt or decrypt credit card numbers thatare stored in a readable format in the databases of Travel Management.
This concerns the following databases:

  • TA23PF: Transparent table for storing credit card numbers of your
  • enterprise used in Travel Planning
    • TC Cluster: Cluster table in RP cluster 1 (PCL1) in which credit card
    • clearing stores the credit card numbers
      • PTRV_CCC: Transparent table in which credit card clearing stores
      • receipts with errors
        • FTPT_HOTEL: Transparent table for hotel services in Travel Planning in
        • which the system stores the credit card numbers used for guarantees ordeposits
          • FTPT_CAR: Transparent table for car rental services in Travel Planning
          • in which the system stores the credit card numbers used for guaranteesor deposits

            The migration relies on the Customizing settings that concern creditcard security.
            The following IMG activities are involved:

            • IMG activity Make Security Settings for
            • Payment Cards
              These are global, cross-application Customizing settings that determinewhether the credit card numbers stored in the database are encrypted.
              • IMG activity Maintain Payment Card Type

              • In these cross-application Customizing settings, you define the paymentcard types, and for each payment card type you can specify whether thesystem should use encryption.
                • IMG activities Define Credit Card Providers for
                • Travel Planning and Define Credit CardCompanies
                  Here you define the two-digit codes for your credit card companies:These are used in credit card clearing in Travel Expense Reports andTravel Planning for the personal credit cards of your employees(personnel master data, infotype 105, type 0011).
                  To support the encryption for the credit card numbers of a provider orcompany, you need to link the provider with a payment card type in thePayment Cards: Type table (TB033), and activate encryption forthat payment card type.

                  Encryption of credit card numbers requires that the specified databaseshave unencrypted credit card numbers.
                  Decryption of credit card numbers requires that the specified databaseshave encrypted credit card numbers.
                  See also SAP Notes 1032588 (Secure handling of credit card data in ERP)and 1066751 (Secure handling of credit card data in Travel Management).

                  Under Selection, you can select which databases the programshould encrypt or decrypt the credit card numbers. The programdistinguishes between Customizing data and transaction data. Transactiondata uses personnel numbers as a key, so you can select the data recordsby personnel numbers.
                  Under Control Data, you decide whether the program should encryptor decrypt the credit card numbers.

                  • If you choose Encrypt, the program selects the unencrypted credit
                  • card numbers of the credit card companies for which encryption has beenactivated in Customizing (see Prerequisites). Encrypted storage mustalso be set globally.
                    • If you choose Decrypt, you can set which credit card companies
                    • should be processed. If encrypted storage is set globally, the programdoes not perform the decryption.
                      Under Processing Mode, you can choose whether the encryption ordecryption is merely simulated or whether data records are to bemodified.

                      After processing, the program generates an ALV list that lists all thedata records that were processed. The list shows the processing statusas well as any error messages and the key of the data record.

                      Select the databases to be processed.
                      Choose whether the program should encrypt or decrypt the data records.
                      Run the program in test mode to identify any problems.
                      Run the program without selecting test run to carry out the encryptionor decryption of the selected data records.


                      Migration of TE Cluster Table EXBEL
                      By making a minor modification to this program, you also can migratecredit card numbers that are located in the enhanced receipt types oftrips. However, this option does not allow for encryption ofcredit card numbers - it only masks them.
                      After being masked, the original credit card numbers can be acquiredonly by means of the receipt assignments between the TE cluster tableEXBEL and the TC cluster table INBEL..
                      To activate support for the TE cluster table EXBEL, make comments out ofthe source code in this program that is located between the followingcomment lines:
                      --- COMMENT OUT BEGIN ---
                      --- COMMENT OUT END ---
                      After doing this, you can select entries as with the other databases.

1066751Secure Handling of Credit Card Data in Travel Management