Programme SAP RCCLDI01 - Direct Input: Create Classes

This function is for creating classes. It also allows you to overwritecharacteristics and/or their values. The data is saved by API modules,instead of using screens.
The input is a sequential dataset, which you must create first.
In case of errors, an error log is output. You can display the errorlog with transaction SLG1, using object CAPI and sub-object CAPI_LOG.
After saving, you can display the classes.
Use transaction SM13 to check whether the save program terminated. Tofind out which class was not saved, see the dump.
Once you know why the class was not saved, process the class again.
To set up the sequential dataset, use the following structures:
BIKLAD Class data (basic data, standards data, and document)

  • Set field STYPE to "1".

  • BISWOD Description and catchwords
    • Set field STYPE to "2".

    • The first catchword becomes the class description.

    • Always set the language key (SPRAS). You can set multiple languages.

    • BIMERD Characteristics
      • Set field STYPE to "3".

      • BIMERKO Characteristics to be overwritten (header data and/or values)
        • Set field STYPE to "4".

        • You must enter the class name, class type, and characteristic name.
        • (This also applies to BIVALO and BIVALB, if you send records of thesetypes.)
          BIVALO Values to be overwritten
          • Set field STYPE to "5".

          • BIVALB Value descriptions to be overwritten
            • Set field STYPE to "6".

            • BIHEAD Class header long texts
              • Set field STYPE to "7".

              • Enter the number of long text lines in the language in field TXLINES.

              • Enter "0000" (class long text) in field TXTID.

              • Send one record for each language.

              • BILINE Long text lines
                • Set field STYPE to "8".
                • Precondition
                  The classes you want to create must not exist, but the characteristicsmust already exist.
                  If the API program terminates with an error or warning message, some ofthe data was incorrect or incomplete. If this happens, the class is notsaved.
                  To find out the reason why the program terminated, see the error log.

                  Sequence: for each new class, first send a record of structure BIKLAD,with STYPE = "1". The sequence of other records is irrelevant. However,we advise you to send the records in ascending order of record type(STYPE).
                  All records that follow a class record belong to the class. As soon asa new class record occurs, the records collected so far for theprevious class are saved by an API module.
                  Do not send header records (BGR00), as you do for batch input(RCCLBI01).