Programme SAP RCCLBI03 - Maintain Classification Data

1. Description
Program RCCLBI03 is a direct input report. It classifies allobjects that are contained in an input file. This means:
,,-Create, change, delete class/object assignments
,,-Create, change, delete class/class assignments
,,-Create, change, delete valuations of assignments
You can use this report to classify objects of all class types. Inparticular, materials and batches for blass types 022 and 023 can beclassified.
The file is structured object by object from records for assignmentsand their valuations. The report first reads the whole file, thenprocesses the data records object by object. Once all records for anobject have been correctly processed, the classification data for theobject is saved immediately on the database.
If an error occurs for an object, no data is saved, even if only onevaluation record contains an error. In this case, all recordsthat relate to the object (assignments and valuations) are written inoriginal format to an error file. This error file can be corrected andthen used as an input file.
The report is not terminated if records of an object contain errors.
To reduce processing time and memory use, and the ensure clarity, largedata volumes should be distributed among several files, split forexample by class type and assignment category.
The input file can be edited with report RCCLBISC.

2. Input parameters of the report

Logical file name
Logical name for the input file (standard setting CLASSIFICATION).
It is created in Customizing and can be selected using the F4 help.
Basis -> System administration -> Platform-independent file name ->Maintain client-independent file name and path.

Object check
The object currently being processed is locked for other users. Thesystem checks whether it exists.
Check existence:
The object is not locked, existence is checked.
No lock, no check (standard entry):
The object is not locked and not checked.

Storage location
Depending on the settings, the input file is read from an applicationserver or presentation server (frontend). This setting is not selectedin Customizing.

Error file
Name of error file in plain text (standard setting 'RCCLBI03.error').
The file contains all data records that could not be processed. Enterthe name alone or together with the complete path name. If you do notenter a path, the file is stored on the user's home directory (ordesktop).
The file is stored on the computer used to read the input file:application server or presenatation server.

If a change number is entered here, all objects of the inputfile are classified with this change number. You can enter the validitydate for engineering change management with parameter validity(effectivity) here.
These entries are only allowed if change management is set inCustomizing for all class types in which the objects are classified.
The input parameters can be saved in variants.

3. Input file format
The file contains lines of assignment records (object/class orclass/class) in format BIKSSK and valuation records (valuations ofcharacteristics) in format BIAUSP. Each line ends with a line break.
The valuation record must be direcly after its associatedassignment record.
The assignment records do not have to be assorted by object. This isdone in the report: Before processing, the list of objects is sorted byassignment category (class/class first, then class/object), then classtype, object, object category.
Fields that are to be initial must remain empty and must not containspecial characters such as '/'.

Format for an assignment (BIKSSK)
Field / Length(item) ,,Value
STYPE,,01 (01),,'1' : Assignment record indicator
TCODE,,20 (02),,Empty. Field no longer used.
,, ,,(Previously: 'CL20' or 'CL22').
MAFID,,01 (22),,Assignment category
,, ,,'O' : for object/class assignments
,, ,,'K' : for class/class assignments
KLART,,03 (23),,Class type in which the object is to be classified.
OBJEK,,50 (26),,Name of object or class.
,, ,,Remember leading zeros in purely numberical names
,, ,,(z.B. materials, equipment). Check master data table (MARA,...) if necessary
,, ,,to find out the correct format.
CLASS,,18 (76),,Class to which the object is to be assigned.
,,,,Class name in plain text, not internal key from table KLAH.
STATU,,01 (94),,Classification status:
,,,,If no value is entered, the system leave this blank.
STDCL,,01 (95),,'X' : Indicates that the assigned class is thestandard class
XLINE,,06 (96),,Empty. The field is used internally.
OBTAB,,30 (102),,Object category (only for mafid=O ):
,,,,If several object categories are allowed for a class type,
,,,,the category from Customizing table TCLAO must be entered
,,,,here, e.g. 'MARA' for class type 022/023.
LKENZ,,01 (132),,Deletion indicator
,,,,'X' : Assignment is deleted.
,,,,' ' : Assignment is changed or created if it does not yet exist.

Format for a valuation (BIAUSP)
Field / Length(item) ,,Value
STYPE,,01 (01),,'2' : Indicator for valuation record
XLINE,,06 (02),,Empty. The field is used internally.
ATNAM,,30 (08),,Neutral characteristic name
ATWRT,,30 (38),,Neutral characteristic value
LKENZ,,01 (68),,Deletion indicator
,, ,,'X' : Valuation deleted
,, ,,' ' : Valuation changed or created if it does notalready exist.

Field STYPE:
Characters other than 1 or 2 are ignored during import and can be usedas comments for a line.
If you create the BIKSSK records for an object for all classes to whichthe object is already assigned or is still to be assigned to, thecharacteristics do not need to be separated by class. In this case, allBIKSSK recors and all BIAUSP records are grouped in one block.
1 .. OBJECT_1 ... CLASS_1,,,,,,,,1 .. OBJECT_1 ... CLASS_1
2 .. CHARACTERISTIC_10 ,,,,,,,,1 .. OBJECT_1 ... CLASS_2
2 .. CHARACTERISTIC_11 ,,,,,,,,1 .. OBJECT_1 ... CLASS_3
1 .. OBJECT_1 ... CLASS_2,,,,>>,,,,2 .. CHARACTERISTIC_10
1 .. OBJECT_1 ... CLASS_3,,,,,,,,2 .. CHARACTERISTIC_20
Delete assignment:
If an assignment is deleted, its related valuations are also deleted.As a result, no BIAUSP records are needed to delete the valuations forthese assignments.
Change assignment:
The classification status is to be set to 1. If the existing assignmenthas a status other than 1, the system checks whether its characteristicvaluations are consistent. If they are, the status is set to 1(released), if not, to 5 (locked by system). In this check , thesystem recognized non-valuated required characteristics.
Change characteristic valuation:
One-value characteristics. In the case of values that have a value listor are of type character format or date, you do not need a deletionrecord for the old valuation. A record with the new value issufficient.
For numerical values without restrictions, two records (delete and add)are always needed. Here, the deletion record of the characteristicvalue must be entered in the external display (see example).
Multivalue characteristics: To swap a valuation, a deletion record mustbe entered.
Object dependencies:
The object dependencies are always executed so that characteristicvaluations can be changed even though a BIAUSP does not exist for them.
If object dependencies that contain object characteristics or relate toobject characteristics are to be executed, the parameter check must beset to 'Check existence' or 'Lock'.
2 LENGTH 11,00 cm X
2 LENGTH 12,00 cm
2 DATE1 04.03.2001
2 COLOR red
2 COLOR blue
2 COLOR green
2 POLLUTION 0 - 30 %
2 COLOR red
(the items are strictly observed)
Material MAT_ABC is classified in class type Z01.
It is assigned to class CLASS_Z, that has characteristics SIZE, LENGTH,and TYPE. Characteristic DATE1 can be inherited from a class to whichhierarchy CLASS_Z belongs. The valuation of characteristic LENGTH ischanged from 11,00 to 12,00 cm.
Material BATCH_MAT is classified in class type 023 :
It is assigned to class CLASS_1, that has characteristics COLOR, TYPEand POLLUTION. As, in class type 023, a material represents a hierarchynode, the one-value characteristics COLOR and TYPE can be valuatedseveral times.
Batch 'BATCH_MAT BATCH1' contains valuations from the valueareas that are assigned by the associated material. For the format forbatch names, see the setting in Customizing (table TCLO, TA O12A) or -as examples - table INOB (Field OBJEK).
In class type 023, the descriptions MARA and MCH1 must be therefor item 'OBTAB', as various object categories can be assigned in thisclass type.
Classifications are created directly with this report. If anapplication creates process-typical relationships between variousobjects (e.g. material/batch/documents/...) then these are not knowhere and not taken into account. As a result, the object name must beentered in the correct format, as there is not formatting of theapplication program here.

4. Error messages
The report creates an error message if a function module returns anexception that displays an error. An error message contains
- a heading as general description ('Error ...'),
- a detailed text that results from the exeption
- the function module and its exception number
- the incorrect assignment
- the characteristics, if a valuation record contains errors.
The following list contains all heading and the various functionmodules leading to the error. The detailed texts are usuallyself-explanatory and therefore not listed.
Error reading classification data,,(CLAP_DDB_GET_CLASSIFICATION)
Error changing classification data,,(CLAP_DDB_ UPDATE_CLASSIFICATION)
Error deleting Classification data,,(CLAP_DDB_DELETE_CLASSIFICATION)
Error deleting valuation,,,,(CTMS_DDB_DEL_VALUE)
Error maintaining valuation,,,,(CTMS_DDB_SET_VALUE)
Error locking class type,,,,(CLAP_DDB_SAVE_CLASSIFICATION)
Error checking object,,,,(OBJECT_CHECK_)

  • Error changing classification data

  • Other
    001 12345678 CLASS_2
    This error message occurs for materials (class type 001) if anincorrect description (e.g. no leading zeros) is entered. If the inputparameters do not define a separate existence check, the classificationfor this material does not find a material type, and this leads to anerror.
    • Error maintaining valuation

    • COLOR: 'blu' does not exist
      ( CTMS_DDB_SET_VALUES: exception 9 )
      001 000000000012345678 CLASS_1
      LENGTH,,,,,,11,00 cm
      Material 000000000012345678 (class type 001) is to be valuated with'blu'. Characteristic COLOR does not have the value in its value list.

943559FAQ: Frequently asked questions about the classifctn. system