Programme SAP RCCLBI01 - Batch Input: Create Classes

This program generates a batch input session for creating classes.
Basic data, catchwords and characteristics can be maintained in thisway.
As of Release 3.0, you can also use this program to overwrite arequired characteristic to make it an optional characteristic.
As of Release 4.0A, data can also be loaded directly, using directinputprogram RCCLDI01. The import files are identical. To copy the longtextsof a class, use program RMCLTEXT. The class must be created first.
Input parameters:
1. Name of logical dataset
2. Generate session indicator

Logical dataset
The program reads the sequential file you enter and processes the datain it.
The sequential file can be on your application server, the presentationserver, or on an external application server. If the file is on anexternal application server, enter the server name. You can display thepossible entries to help you select an application server.

Generate session indicator
If you select this indicator, batch input sessions are created for thedata. You can process these sessions at a later date. If you do notselect this indicator, the class record is created online. Batch inputsessions are only created for the classes where errors occur. You canprocess these sessions at a later date.

Before you can start this program, you must extract the data from thesource system and write it to a sequential file. To do this, you mustcreate a program in the source system. This program must compile thedata in the format required and generate the file.
The sequential file must have the following format:

  • Session header (structure BGR000)

  • Caution: the NODATA field must remain empty. Otherwise, screenprocessing errors occur.
    • Class header with record type '1' (structure BIKLA)

    • Catchword records with record type '2' (structure BISWO)

    • Characteristic records with record type '3' (structure BIMER)

    • Enter a new session header for each new session. If you want more thanone class to be processed in a session, enter several groups (class,catchwords, characteristics, class, ... and so on).

      Required data
      Before a class can be created via batch input, the following data mustbe transferred: class, class type, and class description (structure(BIKLA).
      The characteristics to be assigned to the class must be created first.

      Copy from class
      If a class is to be copied from an existing class, you can add furthercatchwords and characteristics to those already assigned to the class,but you cannot delete existing catchwords and characteristics.
      If you want to copy language-dependent elements in all languages,select ALLSP (X).

      Please note the following points when generating a sequential file:

      • If you do not want a field to contain an entry, transfer the field with
      • its initial value. Do not use the NODATA character defined in theBGR00-NODATA field.
        • However, if you do not want to use catchwords, enter at least one
        • record with record type '2' and an empty catchword.
          • If you want to delete default values for the transaction, enter the
          • delete character "!" in the relevant field.
            • Transfer fields that contain a date in the external date format defined
            • in the user master record. The only exception is the date entered inthe session header, if any. Always transfer this date in internalformat YYYYMMDD, such that YYYY is the year, MM is the month, and DD isthe day.
              As of Release 4.6A, the field for the DIN code letter is BIMER-MKENN,not BIMER-DINKBU, as in previous releases. The new field has 15characters and should always be used instead of field DINKBU. If fieldMKENN contains an entry, it overrides any entry in the old field.

              An error log is output after processing.

              Generating a batch input dataset
              A session with two classes, each of which has one catchword and onecharacteristic.
              o Open dataset
              o Fill out BGR00 structure with session header data.
              o Fill out class header BIKLA with record type '1', transaction, andexternal data.
              TRANSFER BIKLA...
              o Fill out catchwords in BISWO with record type '2' and external data.
              o Fill out characteristics in BIMER with record type '3' and externaldata.
              o Fill out class header BIKLA with record type '1', transaction, andexternal data.
              o Fill out catchwords in BISWO with record type '2' and external data.
              o Fill out characteristics in BIMER with record type '3' and externaldata.
              o Close dataset
              CLOSE DATASET DS_NAME.
              If several catchwords/characteristics are processed, fill out andtransfer the record several times. Before you fill out data, initializethe structure using CLEAR.
              A new session is created for each BGR00 record. The name of the file(DS_NAME) is requested later during batch input. The sessions aregenerated from the datasets in the sequential file.

              Overwrite required -> optional (as of 3.0)
              To overwrite a required characteristic to make it optional for theclass, enter 'X' in field BIMER-MKANN. This generates an overwrite forthe relevant class (optional entry instead of required entry). Youcannot overwrite an optional characteristic to make it required.
              You can process up to 9999 classes for each BGR00 session header. Ifyou have more classes, send another session header. This is becausefield XLINE, which is filled out by the program, contains 4 figures.For performance reasons, it is a good idea to divide up your classesbetween session headers.

943559FAQ: Frequently asked questions about the classifctn. system