Programme SAP RCBIHX_IHS_TO_PS - EHS: Transfer of Value Assignment Type Tables from IHS to Prod. Safety

Transfer of Value Assignment Type Table from Industrial Hygiene andSafety to Product Safety

This report transfers the data records of the value assignment typesfor objects in Industrial Hygiene and Safety to the table forthe value assignment types forspecifications inProduct Safety.

The report places the data records that exist in both tables in aseparate table. From here, the user can decide which data records areto be overwritten.

The program comprises the following steps:

  • All data is read to the memory.

  • The program determines the data records that exist in both tables and
  • places the double data records from Industrial Hygiene andSafety in a separate table.
    • The user chooses from the table the data records that are to overwrite
    • corresponding data records in Product Safety. Data records thatappear only once are inserted immediately in the Product Safetytable.
      • Before the data in the Product Safety table is written to the database,
      • the final version is displayed again for checking purposes. The data isonly written to the database once the relevant prompt has beenconfirmed.
        • The language-dependent descriptions are transferred in the background.

        • The table for Industrial Hygiene and Safety is not deleted. Thereport can therefore be started again at a later stage.