Programme SAP RCATS_APPROVE_ACTIVITIES - Approve Working Times

Approval program for the CATS Classic andCATS for Service Providers applications.
The main task is to manage the processing statuses of time sheet data.

The approval program provides the following options for changing thestatus of a data record:
From Status ,, To Status
Released for Approval ,, Approved
Released for Approval ,, Rejected
Approved ,, Released for Approval
Rejected ,, Released for Approval
When there is a rejection, you can enter a descriptive
long text to provide a rejection reason. Youneed to set an indicator in customizing for therejection reasons.
Other functions:

  • Deleting data

  • Link to corresponding change transaction (CAT2 for CATS Classic or CATS
  • for CATSXT for Service Providers).
    • Displaying document flow
    • Selection
      In the selection screen, the status Release for Approval has beenset up as a default, so that only data is selected that requiresapproval. However, you can also select data that is In Process ,Approved and Rejected.
      Data that has been Changed After Approval and Reversed isnot selected, even if you entered the corresponding status on theselection screen.

      The display depends on the type (or origin) of the selected data.
      If you only selected data in the CATS Classic format, then the entireinformation of a data record is available.
      If you also select data in the CATS for Service Providers format, thenonly reduced data (mainly the quantities and units of eachcomponent and the account assignmentinformation) is available.

732408CATS_DA,CATS_APPR_LITE - menu entries not working correctly
1222812CATS_APPR_LITE: Cancel Interface Table records after Reset