Programme SAP RCATSC01 - Time Sheet: Approve Times (Selection by Master Data)

Time Sheet: Approve Times (Selection according to Master Data)

If your profile settings specify that time sheet records undergo anapproval procedure, you use an approval report to approve or reject therecords.
Time sheet records must be released for approval. You can then approveor reject the released records using the report RCATSC01. The reportwrites the approved records to the interface tables of the relevanttarget components where they are ready for transfer to the targetcomponents.

For an accessible alternative to this report, you can use theApprove Working Times report.

Select the data you want to approve according to the date and the masterdata assignment of the employees.
If you only want to process released records, select the appropriateoption. The report then only displays days and personnel numbers forwhich released records exist.
If an approved or rejected record exists in addition to a releasedrecord for a particular day, this is also displayed.
If you want an overview of all personnel numbers and days within theselection period, even when no data exists for individual personnelnumbers or days, select the All days and personnel numbers field.
If you reject a record and want a notification of rejection to be sentautomatically to the person who entered the data, select the relevantfield.
You can transfer records to Human Resources immediately followingapproval using this report.
If you want to customize the list output, you can create a displayvariant and save it in the report.
If you want to compare the target hours with an employee's actual,recorded working hours, you must specify the criteria according to whichthe report is to determine the target hours.
Specify whether the report should determine the target hours from theemployee's daily work schedule, from a time type, or using an SAPenhancement.

  • If you want there to be a degree of tolerance for target hours when they
  • are exceeded or they fail to be completed, specify the appropriatevalues.
    • If you want hours recorded in HR (and not in the time sheet) to be
    • deducted from the target hours, select Subtract HR hours.

      Once data record selection is complete, a three-node hierarchy listoutput appears. To process the records, you can choose any of the threehierarchy levels. When you choose one of the hierarchy levels, thereport approval view appears.

      • If you want to display all selected records in the approval view, choose
      • the hierarchy level Persons from (date) to (date).
        • To display all records for one personnel number, choose the relevant
        • personnel number.
          • To display all records for one personnel number for one specific day,
          • choose the relevant day.
            If you want to postprocess a record from the list output in the timesheet, choose the red pencil icon. The time sheet data entry sectionappears, as long as the profile user parameter is set.
            In the report list output, the records are assigned differenttraffic-light indicators according to their status:
            -Released (yellow)
            -Approved (green)
            -Rejected (red)
            In a totals column, the number of recorded hours for each day and thetotal number of hours for all records for each personnel number aredisplayed.
            If you select Target hours, the target hours appear next to aclock icon. If a green checkmark appears next to the target hours, thetarget hours correspond to the recorded times. If a red cross appears,the recorded times deviate from the target hours.

            For the procedure for processing data records for approval, see the SAPLibrary.