Programme SAP RC1_COMP_CONVERT - Conversion of Component Types and Exception Values

With this program you convert the permitted usages for component typesand exception values that you specified in earlier releases to thenew context-specific usages.For more information about context-specific usages for component typesand exception values, seeComponent Types and Exception Values(Enhanced) and the Implementation Guide for the SAP componentEnvironment, Health and Safety underSpecify Context-Specific Component Typesand Specify Context-Specific ExceptionValues.

This program executes the following conversions:

  • It converts object-component type assignments to
  • object-parameter-component type assignments. The parameter assignmentis restricted here to the parameter SUB_COMP_STD_DIALOG (valueassignment dialog for compositions).
    The program reads all existing entries in the table TCG76OBJ andcreates corresponding entries in the table TCG76OBJCON. The emptyfield TCG76OBJCON-CONPARAM is filled with the valueSUB_COMP_STD_DIALOG.
    • It creates object-parameter-exception value assignments for existing
    • exception values. Here, corresponding entries are created for allexisting objects in the table TCGOBJ. The parameter assignment isrestricted to the parameter SUB_COMP_STD_DIALOG (value assignmentdialog for compositions).
      The program reads all existing entries in the tables TCG78 and TCGOBJ.It creates entries in the table TCG78OBJCON for each object in thetable TCGOBJ for the values determined in the table TCG78. The emptyfield TCG76OBJCON-CONPARAM is filled with the valueSUB_COMP_STD_DIALOG.

      The table TCG76OBJ contains the following entry:
      This entry is converted to the following entry in the tableTCG76OBJCON: