Programme SAP RC1TCG11_02 - Filling Customizing Table for Table-Based Value Assignment

This program creates entries in the table TCG11_VAI (EHS: Table-BasedValue Assignment of Specifications). The entries in this table controlthe table-based value assignment of specifications, that is they controlin which value assignment types you can assign values to whichcharacteristics and other data in value assignment tables, and how thedata is displayed in the value assignment tables.

You can call this program in the IMG activity
Set Up Table-Based Value Assignment. In this IMG activity you canalso check and change the generated table entries.


  • You have authorization to change specification value assignments
  • (authorization object C_SHES_TVH).
    • The table TCG11_VAI is not being processed by any other applications
    • because when this program is started, a lock is set for this table.

      You can use the program for an initial filling of the table and toupdate the table entries because the program does not delete or changeany existing entries. If, for example, you have extended the class of avalue assignment type in the classification system by adding acharacteristic and you then run this program again, it creates a datarecord for this characteristic, meaning it creates a new line in thetable TCG11_VAI for this characteristic.

      • The system assigns sequential numbers to the column positions in the
      • data records for the value assignment types. Thus the data record for anew characteristic is assigned the highest column number and positionwhen the program is run again, and it therefore appears in last positionat the end of the value assignment table, even if you inserted thecharacteristic at another position in the class when you defined it inthe classification system.
        • If you have deleted the data record for a characteristic manually from
        • the table TCG11_VAI for a value assignment type, but this characteristicis still assigned to the class for the value assignment type in theclassification system, the data record for the characteristic is createdagain in the table TCG11_VAI when you run this program.
          The program creates entries in the table TCG11_VAI for all valueassignment types you selected. Data records for these value assignmenttypes are created as follows:
          • If you have entered a specification type in the selection screen,
          • it is assigned to the data records to be created. The settings then onlyapply for the table-based value assignment of specifications of thisspecification type. If you have not entered a specification type, thesystem creates data records without assigning a specification type. Thesystem takes these settings into account if you assign values in aspecification of a certain specification type for a value assignmenttype for which no data record exists in which the specification type wasspecified explicitly.
            For the value assignment type Density, data records were createdfor the characteristics A, B, and C to which thespecification type Real substance was assigned. In addition, datarecords were created for the same value assignment type for thecharacteristics A, C, and D to which nospecification type was assigned. If you want to assign a value to thedensity of a real substance, columns appear in the value assignmenttable for the characteristics A, B, and C. When youassign values to the density of a specification of another specificationtype, columns appear for the characteristics A, C, andD.
            If you want to create entries for several specification types, run thisprogram a number of times and specify one of the required specificationtypes each time.
            • The system creates a data record for each standard object of the
            • value assignment instance that you selected on the selection screen.This means, for example, that if you set the Sort sequenceindicator, the system creates corresponding data records for all valueassignment types and thus displays the sort sequence of the valueassignment instances in the value assignment table. If you also set theEditable indicator, you can change the sort sequence in the valueassignment table.
              If you do not create a data record for a standard object of the valueassignment instance, but you want to include this object later in thevalue assignment table, you can do this by running this program againand setting the indicator for the required standard object of the valueassignment instance.
              For more information about the fields Additional Information 1-5,see the C1B40001 documentation.
              • The system creates a data record for each characteristic that was
              • defined in the classification system for the class of the valueassignment type. The following applies here:
                The column position is numbered sequentially and chosen so that thesequence of the characteristic columns in the value assignment tablecorresponds to the sequence of the characteristics in the class.
                The column width for characteristics is set to the length of thelanguage-dependent characteristic description. This means the programsets the column width specifically for each language.
                The Standard Sort Field indicator is set for thefirst characteristic of the value assignment type with a single valueassigned.
                The Editability indicator is set for thecharacteristics for which the setting was made in the classificationsystem that they can be edited.
                The Required Entry Field indicator is setfor the characteristics for which the setting was made in theclassification system that an entry is required.
                • If you have entered a user-defined text type on the selection
                • screen, the system creates a data record for this user-defined text typeand assigns the column width to it that you entered on the selectionscreen. If you have not entered a user-defined text type, no data recordis created for user-defined texts.
                  If you want to enter user-defined texts of several user-defined texttypes in the value assignment types in the value assignment table, youmust create an entry for each user-defined text type. To do this, runthis program a number of times and specify one of the requireduser-defined text types each time.
                  • The system creates a data record for displaying the usage for the value
                  • assignment type. If you have entered a function module on the selectionscreen, by means of which the usage data is displayed, the systemassigns it to the data record. The function module C107VAT_USAGE_STRDOUTis delivered with the standard system; it outputs the values of theusage (rating, validity area category, and validity area) incombination.
                    In table-based value assignment, each data record, that is each line inthe table TCG11_VAI, corresponds to a column in the value assignmenttable. This program numbers the objects within a value assignment typein such a way that the columns in the value assignment table arestructured in the following sequence:
                    Standard objects of the value assignment instance
                    User-defined text of the specified user-defined text type

                    After the program has been run, a message informs you how many datarecords were inserted. If an error occurs, an error message is displayedand the program is terminated if necessary.

                    We recommend you create a variant and run the program in the background.