Programme SAP RBPARCWR - Archive Business Processes: Write Program


Archiving Process Flow
The R/3 System executes the archiving process as follows:

  • All the business processes, including corresponding data, that meets
  • the selection criteria is written in the archive.
    • All the business processes and corresponding data that were stored in
    • the new archives are deleted.

      Time Dependency of Business Process Master Data
      Business process master data is time dependent. The master data istherefore deleted up to, and including, the last day of the "To-fiscalyear". The system adjusts the validity start of the business processcorrespondingly.
      The business process was created with the validity period 1.1.1990 to31.12.2010. You execute archiving with a "To-fiscal year" of 1995. Thebusiness process is therefore valid after the archiving from 1.1.1996to 31.12.2010. (this example assumes that the fiscal years are the sameas the calendar years.)

      Additional parameters and switches

      • Business process group: You can enter a group of business processes to
      • be archived. If this field is empty, the R/3 System processes allbusiness processes of the specified cost centers.
        • Processing: You can select either "Test run", "Archive" or "Archive and
        • delete".
          If you choose "Test run" the system does not create an archive file.The system displays only the table statistics and, if applicable, alist of the business processes to be archived. Deletion is not possiblewith this setting.
          If you choose "Archive" the R/3 System creates an archive file. Thedeletion program is started only in the test run, which means that nodeletion occurs. You can, however, delete the data subsequently.
          If you choose "Archive and delete" the system creates an archive fileand the data is deleted. You must have selected the automatic start ofthe deletion program for the archiving object in Customizing.
          • If you choose "Log for each business process" the system provides a
          • list of the business processes archived.


            Subsequent deletion
            If an archive was generated, but the corresponding data was not deleted(using the "Archive" function), you can use the transactionSARA to delete this data subsequently. In the initialscreen enter "CO_PROCESS" as the object name and choose "Delete".

            Archiving CO line items
            When you archive business processes, the system also archives thecorresponding line items. If, however, you want to archive the CO lineitems at an earlier date, you should use the archiving object CO_ITEM"CO line items". (This affects, for example, tables COEP and COBK.)