Programme SAP RBNK_MERGE_RESET - Reset a Merge Run with Batches

Reset a Merge Run (result of program SAPFPAYM_MERGE) that createdpayment batches.

In TA obpm5 there are payment run identifiers reserved for batchcreation. Program SAPFPAYM_MERGE did already run over such payment rundata and created a Merge Run (New run ID and date) and payment batches.You would like to undo this action of SAPFPAYM_MERGE.

Enter the Merge Run date and ID that were created by SAPFPAYM_MERGE .Moreover you can choose between Test Run (no action on data base;simulation) and Productive run, and decide if you would like to have astrict check (details below) of the batches created in that merge run.

You get a list of all batches in that Merge Run. The list lines aredivided into three different classes, with traffic lights:
Green: New batches (just entered in the approval process but notprocessed yet), and no batch (if there was an error during batchcreation).
Red: Batches in the middle of approval.
Yellow: All other batches (e.g. approval complete, file created)
In productive run, this Merge Run is rolled back (and the batches aredeleted), if there are only green list lines (for strict check) or onlygreen and yellow list lines.
To avoid inconsistencies (double payments), this roll back does notaffect rejected payments.