Programme SAP RBDSYNER - Process IDoc Despite Syntax Errors

This report processes inbound and outbound IDocs, even if they containsyntax errors.
There are two possible statuses for IDocs containing syntax errors:

  • 26: Syntax error in outbound IDoc

  • 60: Syntaxfehler in inbound IDoc

  • When you execute this report, you can select the IDocs to be processedaccording to IDoc number, creation date, time, message time or sender/recipient.
    In the required 'direction' field, enter '1' for outbound and '2' forinbound IDocs.
    The 'Import in background' flag has the following significance:
    • If the flag is set, the IDoc processing is triggered immediately
    • without the IDocs being displayed. A list of the IDoc status values isoutput after processing.
      • If the flag is not set, the selected IDocs are displayed one after the
      • other. You can then trigger the processing of each IDoc separately.
        Report 'RBDSYNEO' is used for outbound IDocs. Report 'RBDSYNEI' is usedfor inbound IDocs.

        The report outputs a list of the IDocs processed along with their IDocnumber, message type, status value following processing and a shortdescription.