Programme SAP RBDSYNEO - Continue Outbound IDoc Processing Despite Syntax Errors

This report processes outbound IDocs regardless of syntax errors.
Outbound IDocs containing syntax errors have status 26 (syntax error inIDoc).
When you execute this report, you can select the IDocs for processingaccording to IDoc number, creation date, time, message type orrecipient. You specify these details on the initial screen.
The 'import in background' flag is of the following significance:

  • If the flag is set, the IDoc processing is triggered immediately
  • without the selected IDocs being displayed. A list of IDoc statusvalues is displayed after processing.
    • If the flag is not set, the selected IDocs are displayed one after the
    • other. You can then trigger the processing of each IDoc separately.

      The report outputs a list of IDocs processed containing the IDocnumber, message type, status value following processing and adescription.