Programme SAP RBDSTATE - Send Audit Confirmations

This report sends confirmations for the ALE Audit. Selection parametersallow you to determine the systems to which the confirmations are to besent and the application message types for which they are to be sent.
The report creates IDocs with the ALEAUD message type. They containinformation about the processing status of inbound IDocs on your ownsystem. Thus the report selects changes to the current processingstatus of IDocs. These are really changes to the status of an IDOC. Inthis sense, the creation of an IDoc represents a change in its status,as does a successful posting in the application after the first attemptresulted in an error.
The entries for the ALEAUD message type and the associated filterobject MESTYP in the distribution model determine the systems to whichaudit messages are sent.
If there are no suitable entries in the distribution model for yourselection parameters, no message is sent.
You can use the last selection parameter to determine the period oftime for the IDoc selection. This parameter refers to the data of thelast change in status and not to the creation date of the IDoc. If thereport is started online, then this parameter is mandatory; in batchoperation it is optional.

Notes on Periodic Batch Operation.
There are two possible operating modes when this report runsperiodically in the background:

  • Dispatch of confirmations at either daily or longer intervals

  • Dispatch of confirmations at shorter intervals
  • Dispatch of confirmations at either daily or longer intervals
    This operating mode is preferable if the confirmations are not time-critical. You can use this to send confirmations for IDOCs from theprevious day or for changes that occurred even longer ago.
    When maintaining the variant for batch operation, you should choose aselection variable, a date variable in fact, for the selectionparameter for the change date. This allows you to be remain flexible insetting the days, e.g. 'yesterday', for which IDOC status changesshould be reported.
    When scheduling the batch job note that if, for example, you want tosend the changes from the previous day, then you should not schedulethe job to run straight away at midnight, but several minutes later.Otherwise there may be IDOCs from the previous day that had not beenposted by 00:00, and these will not get confirmed.

    Dispatch of confirmations at shorter intervals
    This operating mode is intended for time-critical jobs, for example, ifconfirmation is required every hour.
    Do not specify a selection parameter for the change date. The reportcan itself find out the time when it last ran, or, if it is running forthe first time, the time when it was scheduled. This time (date andtime) minus 5 minutes forms the lower selection boundary for all IDOCchanges. The starting time of the batch job minus 4 minutes gives theupper selection boundary for the IDOC changes.
    In summary, all IDocs whose status has changed in the specified timeperiod and that satisfy all the other selection criteria are selected.

    The settings for the ALE Audit must already have been made. You canfind more information on this in the IMG section ALE IMG under System Monitoring.

    A list is generated of all the IDocs with the ALEAUD message type thatwere created. If no IDocC was created or if an error occurred, then amessage is issued.