Programme SAP RBDSESRCP - Site Recipe Distribution

Sending Site Recipes

This report is used to distribute site recipes.
You can use this report to process the following scenarios fordistributing site recipes.
,,- Distributing one or more new site recipes to one or more targetsystems
,,- Distributing one or more existing site recipes to one or moretarget systems
,,- Evaluating change pointers and, depending on the result, creating,changing, or deleting site recipes in one or more target systems

Prerequisites for distributing site recipes:
,,- The Customizing settings in the source and target systems must beidentical
,,- The distribution model must be maintained in the source and targetsystems (ALE scenario)
,,- For distribution via change pointer, the change pointer must beactivated for the message type PPE_SREC and the change pointers ingeneral must be activated
,,- The change-relevant fields for the message type PPE_SREC must bemaintained
,,- The partner profiles must be maintained for the message typePPE_SREC with the basic IDoc type PPE_SREC01


You can control the individual processing runs with the selectionparameters.
- Site Recipe
The user can use these selection fields to specify which site recipe(s)is/are to be used for distribution.
- Replicate
This parameter causes all the site recipes found with the "Site recipe"selection fields to be read from the source system. They are thendistributed to one or more target systems. If they do not already existin the target system, they are created. Otherwise, they are changed.
- First Initialization
This parameter causes all the site recipes found with the "Site recipe"selection fields to be read from the source system. They are thendistributed to one or more target systems. The site recipes are createdin the target system. In doing so, the system performs a check, sincethe site recipe must not already exist in the target system.
- Reporting for Change Pointers
This parameter causes the change pointers that refer to the siterecipes to be evaluated. If the change pointers are active, all changesto site recipes are recorded. The affected recipes and activities(create, change, delete) are transferred to the target system. Theentries in the "Site Recipe" selection fields are ignored in this case.
- Changed On
If the "Reporting for Change Pointers" parameter is activated, all thechange pointers that were created up to the entered "Changed on" dateare evaluated.
- Time
If the "Reporting for Change Pointers" parameter is activated, all thechange pointers that were created up to the entered "Time" areevaluated.
- Logical System
The "logical system" identifies the target system. If you specify alogical system, the recipes are distributed to this system if all thenecessary settings (partner profile, ...) have been defined. If you donot specify a logical system, all the systems that are intended fordistribution are determined.


Once the site recipes have been sent, the system outputs a list ofrecipes that were processed.
You can check the processing status of each recipe by displaying thelog. Since processing is carried out asynchronously, you can only checkthe processing status up to the point the outbound IDoc was created inthe source system.
All of the messages that occurred are also stored in the applicationlog and can be displayed via the PVS object.

Site recipe distribution does not include the distribution ofdocuments, change statuses, characteristics, classes, orclassifications. These objects have to be processed using separatedistribution scenarios.
,,- Change statuses must be distributed, before the site recipes. Onlychange statuses that are assigned to an external number rangecan bedistributed.
,,- Documents must be distributed before the site recipes.
,,- Characteristics that do not exist in the target system must bedistributed before site recipes.
,,- If the class does not yet exist in the target system, it must bedistributed before the site recipes.
,,- The classification must be distributed after the site recipes.