Programme SAP RBDSER03 - Check Dispatch Status of IDocs of Serialization Group

This program converts the status of dispatched IDocs of a serializationgroup. If all IDocs have been successfully sent in an tRFC call, acontrol IDoc is created and dispatched to receivers in accordance withthe distribution model.
The control message SERDAT must be specified in the ALE distributionmodel.
The control IDoc contains the update sequence for message types of aserialization group.
If there are still IDocs of this serialization group left in the tRFCqueue, the control IDoc is not dispatched. You can choose in what timeperiod and for which receivers the IDoc disptach status is to bechecked.

A message is displayed indicating if there are still IDocs in the tRFCqueue and the number of control IDocs dispatched

1336383RBDSER03 does not send IDocs immediately
752194Serialization of IDoc processing