Programme SAP RBDSER02 - Dispatch of IDocs of Serialization Group

This report processes all IDocs of a serialization group with thestatus 'to be processed'. An EDI outbound processing report isinternally called that selects and sends IDocs in the database inaccordance with the given selection options and parameters.
After the selected IDocs have been processed in outbound EDI, thesender status is checked. You can specify the frequency the outboundcheck is carried out with a selection option.
The report schedules a check job that converts the status of alldispatched IDocs and checks whether there are any IDocs of thisserialization group still in the tRFC queue. If all IDocs have beensent successfully a control message is generated and sent to start theinbound processing in the receiver system. You can determine with aparameter whether a control message is sent in every case and alsowhether IDocs of this serialization group are still waiting in the tRFCqueue.

The message type of the serialization group just processed and how manyIDocs have been processed for every message type are displayed.

752194Serialization of IDoc processing