Programme SAP RBDSEQMAT - Send Inspection Setup

In Application Link Enabling, youuse this program to distribute the inspection setup of a material toother systems by sending it directly.
By entering a logical system in the corresponding field, you canrestrict the list of IDoc recipients to the recipient entered. If youdo not enter a logical system as the recipient, the recipient is thentaken from the model view of the distribution model. The object'MatInspectionControl' with the BAPI 'SaveReplica' is assigned to thisview. If a target system has not been entered and a corresponding modelview has not been maintained in the distribution model, no IDoc can becreated and no data can therefore be transmitted.
If inbound processing for the dependent data is set so that the inboundIDocs are posted directly in the target system,errors can occur if the IDoc with the material master data has not yetbeen posted. In this case, the IDocs containing the dependent data mustbe reposted, (for example, in a specially scheduled job thatperiodically reposts all IDocs not processed correctly).
To prevent this problem, you can schedule one periodic job for postingthe material master data, and another for each dependent object. Byexecuting the job for the material master data long enough in advanceof the jobs for the dependent data, you can ensure that the IDocscontaining the dependent data are processed only after the materialmaster data has been posted.
You do not have to maintain a model view in the distribution model.
(Posting of IDocs in the target system can be triggered both manuallyand automatically, for example, by a job, or by the correspondingCustomizing settings).


  • If no target system has been entered, there must be at least one model
  • view that has been maintained in the distribution model for the object'MatInspectionControl' with the BAPI 'SaveReplica'. Otherwise, datacannot be transmitted (since the receiving system cannot be determinedin this case).