Programme SAP RBDSEART_DXWB - Send Material (Data Transfer Workbench)

In Application Link Enabling, youuse this program to distribute material master data to other systems bysending it direct. The sending system can be configured in one of thefollowing ways:

  • Industry system

  • Only materials maintained in the industry material master can be sent.
    • Retail system

    • Only materials maintained in the retail material master can be sent.
      It is not yet possible to select materials via the Listingfields.
      • Mixed system

      • Both industry and retail materials can be sent.
        By specifying a logical system in the corresponding field, you canrestrict the list of IDoc recipients to the recipient entered.
        By selecting the Send material in full indicator, you can alsodistribute the following dependent data for the material (depending onthe type of system) in addition to the actual material master data:
        • Industry system

        • Classification data for the material
          Links to documents in the document management system
          Revision levels assigned to the material
          • Retail system

          • Listing conditions
            Purchasing info records
            Source list records
            Purchasing conditions
            Sales conditions
            BOM allocations
            • Mixed system

            • The indicator applies to both message types (R/3 standard and R/3retail). As a result, either the dependent data for industry materialsor the dependent data for retail materials is distributed, depending onthe material concerned, if this indicator is set.
              If inbound processing for the dependent data is set such that thearriving IDocs are posted directly in the targetsystem, errors can occur if the IDoc with the material master data hasnot yet been posted. In this case, the IDocs containing the dependentdata must be reposted, for example, in a specially scheduled job thatperiodically reposts all IDocs not processed correctly.
              To prevent this problem, you can schedule one periodic job for postingthe material master data, and another for each dependent object. Byexecuting the job for the material master data long enough in advanceof the jobs for the dependent data, you can ensure that the IDocscontaining the dependent data are processed only after the materialmaster data has been posted.
              If you specify a server group in the corresponding field, theprocessing of the materials selected is distributed among theapplication servers contained in the server group. In the Number ofmaterials per process field, you can define the number of materialsto be reached before a new process is started on one of the applicationservers.


              • Industry system

              • You have entered a message type in the Message type (R/3standard) field.
                • Retail system

                • You have entered a message type in the Message type (R/3 retail)field.
                  • Mixed system

                  • You have entered a message type in the Message type (R/3standard) field and in the Message type (R/3 retail) field.