Programme SAP RBDRCOBJ - ALE: Process Recovery Objects

This report allows you to display or edit all the recovery objectsidentified in Transaction Determining Recovery Objects
On the initial screen enter a name of a partner system of the systemcurrently running and for which recovery objects are to be selected. Ifyou enter the generic "*", all the objects in all partner systems areselected. Select Display to get a list all the objects in thepartner system. Select Execute to display only those objectsthat need to be processed further.
Selected objects are displayed in two levels in the list. First levelinformation is the name of the partner system, message type, number ofIDocs and number of documents is displayed. By double clicking on aline, second level detailed information is displayed - IDoc number,IDoc status, object ID, processing type, date and time of last process.IDocs can also be further processed here. Application documents,generated from IDocs, must be processed further in the relevantapplication transactions and then flagged here as "processed".