Programme SAP RBDMANIN - Start Error Handling for Non-Posted IDocs

This report attempts to post the inbound IDocs with status '51'(Application document not posted)
When you execute this report, you can select the IDocs you wish toprocess by IDoc number, creation date, time, message type or sender.
In the error status field, you can specify a status code whichestablishes further selection criteria. The status code gives a moreprecise selection criterion for the IDoc status.
The 'Import in background' checkbox has the following significance:

  • If the checkbox is marked, the IDoc processing is triggered immediately
  • without the IDocs being displayed. Following the processing, a list ofthe IDoc status values is output.
    • If the checkbox is not marked, the selected IDocs are displayed one
    • after the other. You can then start the processing of each individualIDoc separately.

      The report outputs a list of the IDocs processed with their IDocnumber, message type, status value after processing and a description.