Programme SAP RBDLS2LS - Conversion of Logical System Names: Old Version of RBDLSMAP


Starting the Program Online
This program converts a logical system name, which has already beendefined in the system, to a new name. This program converts a logicalsystem name, which has already been defined in the system, to a newname. The program determines all relevant tables for the conversion,and converts the corresponding entries.
Note the following:

  • It is not possible to convert logical system names in a productive
  • system.
    • While the conversion program is running, no other activities can be
    • executed in the system, including communication with other systems.
      • All IDocs in the system must be processed, because the logical system
      • name could be contained in the IDoc data record. Logical system nameswithin IDoc data records are not taken into account in conversion.
        • The conversion takes place in the current client. In some
        • circumstances, the logical system name may also need to be converted inall partner systems. The tables for the definition of logical systemnames (TBDLS, TBDLST) receive special treatment. After you have enteredthe system names, the system checks whether they have already beendefined. The old system name is not changed in conversion. Instead, youadd the new system name and, when the conversion process is complete,including in all partner systems, manually delete the old system namefrom the tables.
          • Do not manually change the logical system names in the relevant tables.
          • If you do, the application documents will not be found, or will onlypartly be found.
            Note: Authorization
            To execute this program, you need authorization for converting logicalsystem names (authorization object B_ALE_LSYS).
            You have the following options for converting logical system names:
            Convert Client-Specific and Cross-Client Tables
            Typical applications:
            Renaming the logical system, and therefore changing the logical systemname in all application tables of all partner systems.
            Creating a new system by database copy. In this case, call the newsystem a different name to the original system.
            Convert Client-Specific Tables
            An example application is converting the logical system name afterclient copy.
            Choose the appropriate option for your application.
            On the initial screen, enter the logical system name that you want toconvert in the Old Logical System Name field, and enterthe new name in the New Logical System Name field.
            It is advisable to carry out the conversion first in test mode. If youselect the Test Run radio button, the system first analyzes all therelevant tables, and determines the number of entries to be converted.This information is displayed as a list. If the radio button
            Check Whether New Names Exist in Tables is selected, thesystem checks whether the new logical system name already exists inapplication tables. If it does, you are asked whether you want tocontinue with the conversion or not. Check the table in which thelogical system name is found, and determine whether these entries needto be converted. If you do not want to convert these entries, cancelthe conversion.
            The conversion also applies to tables for communication partners, whichare identified by partner number and partner type. If the partnernumber and the logical system name are the same, the relevant tableentries are also converted.
            The value in the Number of Entries per Commit field isonly relevant for conversion. To improve performance, this value shouldbe as large as possible, depending on the size of the database rollarea.
            In the selection screen Tables for Conversion, you canselect and exclude the tables to be converted, so that you only selectand convert certain data. Table T000, for assigning the client to thelogical system, receives special treatment and cannot be excluded. Thistable is converted last. Note that if only one table is converted, thedefinition of the client for the logical system is also converted, ifthis assignment is defined in the current client. This means that theapplication documents in converted tables are found, because they referto the new system names, while application documents in tables thathave not yet been converted are not found, because they still refer tothe old logical system names. It is therefore advisable to convert allthe tables in one step.
            Check the results of the conversion, for example, a * character at theend of the table indicates a cross-client table. If you use
            Convert Client-Dependent and Cross-Client Tables, theexisting entries in these tables are replaced by the new logical systemnames. If you do not want to replace these entries, choose
            Convert Client-Specific Tables, so the old entries in crossclient tables are retained.
            After the program has been successfully executed, the system creates alist of which tables and fields have been determined for theconversion, and how many entries are relevant or have been converted.This is displayed in the application log. To display the logs, calltransaction SLG1, with the object CALE and thesubobject LOGSYSNAME.
            Note: Starting the conversion in background processing
            Starting the program RBDLS2LS dynamically generates another programRBDLSXYZ (XYZ identifies the client in which the program RBDLS2LS wasstarted) from the template IBDLSCLS, which is started by programRBDLS2LS. The program RBDLSXYZ for the actual conversion can also beexecuted by background processing, if you assign values to theappropriate entry fields. In this case, all the security questionsduring the run are confirmed with Yes.
            Note: Performance
            The value in the Number of Entries per Commit field is only relevantfor the actual conversion (not for the test run). To improveperformance, this value should be as large as possible, depe
            nding on the size of the database roll area.
            Depending on the size of the dataset in the system, the conversionprocess can last a long time.
            To improve performance, you can execute the program for the actualconversion at the same time. This parallel processing can take place ina different client, or in the same client for different tables.
            If you are sure that the new logical system name has not been usedpreviously, you can deactivate the existence check in a test run.
            Note: Restart capability
            If the conversion process is terminated for any reason, it can berestarted, because the converted data is committed as a table or insections within a table.
            Note: Checking and changing the communication settings
            Asynchronous communication: Partner profile
            When a logical system name is converted, the partner name is alsoconverted in the corresponding partner profile. The partner status inthe partner profile is also set to inactive.
            After conversion, check the partner profile (port and RFC destination).Change these if necessary, and activate the changed partner profile.
            Synchronous communication: RFC destination
            After conversion of the logical system name, check the RFC destinationfor synchronous communication, and change it if necessary.

            Starting the Program During Client Copy
            During client copy, this program can be called in the phaseGenerating and checking, in which another program is generatedfrom the template IBDLSCLS. This generated program can be used toconvert the logical system name, which has already been defined in thesource client, to the name that has been defined in the new client. Theprogram determines all relevant tables for the conversion, and convertsthe corresponding entries.
            Note: Authorization
            No authorization check.
            Note: Scope of data
            The conversion takes place in the current client, which means that allclient-specific table entries are converted. If the entries in a tablehave not been converted, or are not completely converted, an errormessage is produced in the transport log. The reason for this could bethat this table already contains the old logical system name, or errorsoccur in the database change during conversion. In this case, you mayneed to subsequently process the table manually.
            For cross-client table entries, a warning is displayed in the transportlog. which warns that the conversion of these table entries is notcarried out in client copy. This means that the old table entriesremain unchanged in the client copy. Depending on the applications ofthe new client, subsequent processing of these tables may be necessary.The new entries for the new logical system name can be manuallyextended.
            The conversion also applies to tables for communication partners, whichare identified by partner number and partner type. If the partnernumber and the logical system name are the same, the relevant tableentries are also converted.
            Note: Results
            After the program has been successfully converted, the results of theconversion are displayed in the transport log. Only the tables aredisplayed that are relevant for the conversion, or in which data hasbeen converted. The level numbers 2, 3 and 4 in the logs identify errormessages and warnings, as well as normal messages.
            Note: Checking and changing the communication settings

            • Asynchronous communication: Partner profile

            • When a logical system name is converted, the partner name is alsoconverted in the corresponding partner profile. The partner status inthe partner profile is also set to inactive.
              After conversion, check the partner profile (port and RFC destination).Change these if necessary, and activate the changed partner profile.
              • Synchronous communication: RFC destination

              • After conversion of the logical system name, check the RFC destinationfor synchronous communication, and change it if necessary.