Programme SAP RBDCUS64 - IMG Display of Distribution Groups

The IMG projection for message types and distribution groups enablesselection fields to be automatically assigned in an IMG project. Whendistribution groups are assigned, the selection field is assigned toall the entries in the IMG Projekt which represent a Customizing objectin the distribution group in question. If the IMG projection relates toone or more message types, the relevant Customizing objects aredetermined via the foreign key relationships and identified in the IMGproject by the selection field assignment.
The purpose of the IMG projection is to identify Customizing objectsrelevant for distribution in Customizing for the applications.
The selection fields are reassigned in the projection. Existingassignments could be deleted. For this reason only selection fieldsthat are uniquely defined should be used.

The selection fields must be defined beforehand and assigned to the IMGproject. This can be carried out in Project Management.