Programme SAP RBDCUS31 - Customizing data modeling for distribution model

Modeling the control data distribution using the distribution model.
First an overview of all the communication links with the respectivemessage flow from your distribution model is displayed.
Place the cursor on a message type and select 'Control data modeling'.
A list of control data tables for the message type is displayed.
You can display the control data objects associated with the individualtables and any further associated tables/control data objects.
The source system for the control data object is verified for eachcontrol data object. The color of the display indicates the result ofthe check against the objects. (see color legend)
If there are warnings or errors, place the cursor on the relevantcontrol data object and choose Edit -> Detail.
Double-click on the warning/error message on the detail screen.
In the dialog box displayed, enter the system that is to be the sourcesystem for the control data object and enter the model view in whichthe control data distribution is to be modeled in.
Select 'Update model' to update the control data model.
Repeat the steps until all the error messages are dealt with and asource system has been defined for all control data objects that are tobe distributed.

A list of all the message connections is displayed.