Programme SAP RBDAGAI2 - Reprocess IDocs After Inbound ALE Error

You use this report to reprocess inbound IDocs containing errors. IDocscontaining errors have one of the following statuses:

  • 56: IDoc containing errors added

  • 61: Continue processing despite syntax error (inbox)

  • 63: Error passing IDoc to the application

  • 65: Error in ALE service

  • When you execute this report you can specify the the IDocs to beprocessed according to IDoc number, creation date, time, merssage typeor sender.
    The 'Import in background' checkbox has the following significance:
    • If the checkbox is marked, the reprocessing for the selected IDocs is
    • triggered immediately without the IDocs being displayed. A list of theIDoc status values after processing is displayed.
      • If the checkbox is not marked. the selected IDocs are displayed one
      • after the other. You can then trigger the processing for eachindividual IDoc separately.

        The report outputs a list of processed IDocs containing the followinginformation: IDoc number, message type, status after processing and adescription.