Programme SAP RAXPRA07 - XPRA for Migration of Asset Views

XPRA for migration of assignment of layouts to asset classes and ofasset view tables to new structures.

In Release 4.6C, the view concet in Asset Accounting was expanded, sothat now it is possible to have an almost unlimited number of views. Asa result, it is necessary to transfer the old, fixed number of sevenviews to a new, more flexible structure.


Table T082E is migrated to tables T082AVIEW0 and T082AVIEW0T
Table T082 is migrated to table T082AVIEW1/VIEW2
Table T093 is migrated to table T082VIEWB
In tables ANKLAY and ANKLAYP, the initial value 'OTHERS' is supplied tothe transaction group.

If there is a program termination, the program can be restarted withoutdifficulty.