Programme SAP RAXPRA06 - Combination of two transaction type indicators in TABW

The report modifies the entries in table TABW (transaction types). Eachtransaction type has two indicators, which specify whether posting tocapital investments should take place at the same time when thistransaction type is used. The indicator XCOOBJ specifies whether thereshould be posting to an investment order. The indicator XCOPSPspecifies if there should be posting to a WBS element.
Since it does not make sense to have account assignment to an order anda WBS element at the same time, the indicator XCOPSP will no longer beused, starting with 3.0D. Instead, set the indicator XCOOBJ also ifyou want account assignment to a WBS element. The system decides theaccount assignment on the basis of the data in the asset master record(investment order or WBS element).
The report changes the indicator in each existing transaction type intable TABW. If the indicator XCOPSP is set in the table, the reportdeletes it and changes it to XCOOBJ.

What are the consequences of omitting this XPRA?
It is essential that you carry out the XPRA, if account assignments inFI-AA should take place at the same time as account assignments to CO(to orders or WBS elements). Otherwise, account assignment to WBSelements with transaction types that allowed account assignment up tonow, is only possible if you manually set the flag in Customizing for"relevant to the budget".

What should you do if the program terminates?
The XPRA changes only a small amount of data. It should therefore notterminate. However, if it does terminate, you can restart it at anytime without carrying out any special procedures.