Programme SAP RAVERS_ALV01 - Insurance Values

This list displays fixed asset insurance values.

The report date determines the fiscal year for which the report iscreated. The report then displays the values valid through the end ofthe fiscal year, even if you specified a report date within the fiscalyear.
You do not need to enter a depreciation area (it will be ignored) sincethe insurance type (specified in FI-AA Customizing) determines theinsurance depreciation area.

The following value fields are displayed:

  • Current insurable value

  • Base insurable value

  • Acquisition value at the beginning of the current fiscal year

  • The system only calculates a base insurable value for current marketvalue insurance. The acquisition value displayed comes from thedepreciation area for insurance that is entered in the insurance type.The acquisition value is displayed without revaluation, even ifrevaluation was calculated in this depreciation area.

335065 Include user-defined fields in reports
627423Revised SAP standard variants R/3 Enterprise 4.70