Programme SAP RAUSMQ10_NACC - Asset Acquisitions (Mid-Quarter-Convention)

The report assists you in meeting financial reporting requirementsrelating to the mid-quarter convention in the United States. The reportlists the asset acquisitions per quarter in the reporting year. You cancompare actual acquisitions and planned investments. On the selectionscreen of the report, you specify if you want to report on plannedinvestments (projects, and so on).
You control sorting by entering a sort version on the selection screen.The report is always broken down by quarters. When determining thequarters, the system uses the fiscal year variant of the company code.
To ensure the best results, you should choose a sort version that:

  • Contains at least one total at company code level

  • Where the Statistics indicator is set at the level that is
  • broken down into quarters

    The report lists the asset acquisitions per quarter in the reportingyear. In addition, the report displays the maximum-allowed acquisitionamount for the fourth quarter according to the mid-quarter convention(40% of the total amount acquired in the given year). If the amountacquired exceeds this maximum amount in the fourth quarter, the reportissues a warning.
    When you double-click on a totals line for a quarter, the systemdisplays an acquisition list showing the individual acquisitions forthat quarter and totals level.