Programme SAP RAUSAG_ALV01 - Retirement Comparison

The report enables you to compare asset retirement values from twodepreciation areas. You enter the name of these depreciation areas inthe "depreciation area" input fields in the request screen for thereport.

The following fields are displayed in the retirement comparison list:

  • Book value at retirement in the first depreciation area entered

  • Retirement revenue

  • Retirement results in the first depreciation area. The results include
  • gain and loss. Gain is shown as positive, and loss is shown asnegative.
    • Retirement results in the second depreciation area

    • Retirement difference: the difference between the retirement results in
    • the second and the first depreciation area.
      If you request the comparison of two depreciation areas, then thesystem subtracts area two from area one. If you request only onedepreciation area, then the report does not output the retirementdifference or the gain/loss of a second area.
      The online display of the report offers the following additionaloptions:
      • Place the cursor outside of the "retirement results" column and double
      • click to jump to the asset value display.
        • Place the cursor in the "Ret. results" column and click on the
        • "standard asset report" icon to start the report for asset retirementsfor the selected asset and for the selected depreciation area.

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