Programme SAP RARMETRIC - Metric Definition

In this step you position an attribute in the attribute selection anddrag and drop this in the window directly to the right. In this way, youcan define as many levels as you require in the hierarchy window. Eachindividual level is assigned to an attribute.
Each node in the hierarchy tree can be specialized in the followinglevel. To do so, position the cursor on a node (cursor position on thenode text) and click the right mouse button (context menu).
The following actions are offered in the context menu:
1) Specialize node
2) Change node
3) Delete node
Each node can have specific attributes. Patterns are possible, such as'*', 'A*' , '*DE*' or '%A*B'
If you click the context menu on the free space of the hierarchy window,the system offers you the option of removing the last level. All nodesin this level are then deleted.
A changed hierarchy can be activated, meaning that it is active for theArchiving Engine.
The Archiving Engine tries to determine a residence time in the analysisfor a business object, starting from TOP nodes. It tries to match thebusiness object attributes with the patterns in the hierarchy tree fromthe top down. The residence time with the lowest matching patternsucceeds.