Programme SAP RARCCOA1 - CO Table Analysis - Generate Data Extract

Analysis of CO Tables for Archiving

The RARCCOA1, RARCCOA2, and RARCCOA3 programs are used to analyzecertain tables during preparations for archiving CO data.
These programs are useful if more than one archiving object is to beprocessed, but you cannot see which of the archiving objects are to beused in individual cases.

Table analysis consists of first calling up the RARCCOA1 report, and ifrequired, the RARCCOA2 and / or RARCCOA3 reports. As the analysis isdivided into two steps, you can do the following:

  • Create the data extract separately, (this could take a long time)

  • Evaluate the same data extract more than once

  • The RARCCOA1 report counts the entries in the selected COtables, determines values, such as the object type, or organizationtype, and creates a data extract with the information required.
    This transaction can take a long time, depending on the number and sizeof the tables requiring analysis. This is because all the entries inthe selected tables must be read by the system.
    The RARCCOA2 report reads this data, assigns the table entriesuniquely to an archiving object, and prepares the data accordingly. Youreceive the analysis results as a list, in which the number of tableentries are compared with the archiving objects.
    This list displays a summarization of the data created by the RARCCOA1program. If you click on the totals row, you receive information inmore detail. You can set filters (for example, to analyze on the datafor a particular archiving object), choose other sorting methods (suchas, by fiscal year), and change the totaling. For more information, seethe SAP Library under Cross-Application Components -> GeneralApplication Functions -> ABAP List Viewer (ALV): Classic .
    The RARCCOA3 report reads the same data, but prepares itdifferently. The results provides you with information on how manyentries in the COEP table can be archived using the CO_ITEM archivingobject. The list also contains information on the period, which has atable entry assigned to it. The RARCCOA2 report does not provide anyinformation on this, as period entries on the selection screen are onlypossible in very few of the archiving objects dealt with by theRARCCOA2 report.
    The list also enables you to set filters, for totaling, and so on.
    The RARCCOA1 report can analyze the following CO tables:
    • COEP

    • COEJ

    • COSP

    • COSS

    • COST

    • On the selection screen in the RARCCOA1 report, you can select thetables for analysis. As a minimum, you need to select the COEP table soyou can then run the RARCCOA3 report.
      The RARCCOA2 report deals with the following archiving objects:
      • CO_COSTCTR

      • CO_ITEM

      • CO_KSTRG

      • CO_ORDER

      • CO_PROCESS

      • COPA2_*

      • PM_ORDER

      • PP_ORDER

      • PR_ORDER

      • PS_PROJECT

      • RE_RNTL_AG

      • SD_VBAK

      • The RARCCOA3 report deals with the followins archiving objects:
        • CO_ITEM
        • Activities
          Run the RARCCOA1 report.
          On the selection screen, you can decide which tables are to beanalyzed. All tables are defaulted in the standard system.
          Note, extract creation may take a long time if large amounts of data tobe analyzed are involved (see the section "Scope" above). If required,you should schedule the data extract creation as a background job.
          For a more detailed analysis of the data extract, run the RARCCOA2report online. You can repeat this analysis as often as required. Thereport always displays the data of the data extract that was createdlast.
          To evaluate the data extract, including the use of the CO_ITEMarchiving object, run the RARCCOA3 report online. You can repeat thisanalysis as often as required. The report always displays the data ofthe data extract that was created last.
          RESET N1
          After each time that the RARCCOA1 report has been run, the RARCCOA2 andRARCCOA3 reports use the most up to-date data.
          Evaluation on,,08.23.1999
          Data extract created by program,,RARCCOA1
          Data extract created on,,08.30.1999
          Tables selected in the selection screen,,COEP
          Ranking,,Obj. Name,,Type,,COAr,,Yr,,ALL,,COEP,,COEJ,,COSP,,...
          The example displays a table analysis that is displayed after callingup the RARCCOA2 report. Before that, the RARCCOA1 report was run forthe COEP and COEJ tables.
          (The example does not display typical data, as the list was taken froma development system.)
          Notes on some of the table analysis information:

          • "System": Name of system where evaluation is made.

          • "Evaluation on": Time that the RARCCOA2 report was called up
          • (evaluation of the data extract created previously).
            • "Data extract created on": Time that the RARCCOA1 report was run.

            • "Analyzed tables": Tables that you selected in the selection screen of
            • the RARCCOA1 report for the analysis. The tables excluded from theanalysis do not contain any entries that are assigned to an archivingobject.
              The list contains totals rows, showing how many entries were able to bearchived by an archiving object ("ALL" column), and how this number isdistributed among the individual tables. By clicking on the "RANK"column, you can call up a more detailed listing. This contains moreinformation on the object type, the controlling area, and the fiscalyear. If required, you can also choose Settings -> Display variant-> Current... to show the fields for the organizational unit and thetwo figure object type.
              The list does not tell you which entries can or should actually bearchived. The system cannot, for example, decide how long the data isrequired for, or how long it should stay in the system.
              Pay special attention to the following objects:
              • Empty field for "Archiving object": Either there is no archiving object
              • for these table entries, or the program cannot recognize any objects.
                • Archiving object CO_ITEM: All line items (COEP, COEJ, and so on), can
                • generally be archived using CO_ITEM. The RARCCOA2 program assigns tableentries to this object only if, for example, no other archiving objectcan be used due to the object type. If you definitely want to use theCO_ITEM object, then it is recommended that you use the RARCCOA3report.
                  • Archiving object CO_COSTCTR: CO_COSTCTR also stands for CO_CCTR_ID,
                  • CO_CCTR_PL, and CO_CCTR_EP (and CO_ALLO_ST). You need to decide on theobject to be used in one step (see the RARCCOAP, and RARCCOAA reports).It is not recommended that you use the CO_CCTR_ID archiving object. Toarchive actual data, use the CO_COSTCTR archiving object.

138688Archiving/Controlling: table analysis