Programme SAP RAPERDEL - Reset Periodic APC Posting Run

This program resets the status of the periodic APC values posting run.The result of this reset is that all documents after the determinedsystem date and system time are posted again in General LedgerAccounting. Therefore, you have to first reverse all documents that werealready posted using either periodic or direct posting.

For you to be able to reset the posting status, the following conditionshave to be met:

  • The last periodic APC values posting run was executed successfully.

  • No additional documents were posted directly since the last
  • periodic APC values posting run.
    • New General Ledger Accounting is active, or there is a migration plan in
    • place.
      • The selected fiscal year is the last open fiscal year in Asset
      • Accounting.

        Based on the entered fiscal year, the program determines the technicaltime when the first transaction was posted in this fiscal year. It setsthis time stamp as the starting point for the next periodic posting run.