Programme SAP RAEWAS0B - EWU: Analysis program- assets w/difference before and after conversion

This program compares table EWUANLAVOR before and after the eurochangeover. Before and after the euro changeover, a positive/negativeflag is set in this table for all value fields of ANLC.
You can use this program to find assets that show differences after thechangeover.
The 'critical assets' parameter in the report helps you to establishthe severity of problems with the assets, by dividing them into thefollowing problem categories:
Assets with net book value 0 at fiscal year start before thechangeover, and a net book value that is not zero after the changeover.
You have to examine these assets more closely using the asset valuedisplay transaction. If you are unsure about an asset, contact SAP.
Assets with acquisition value 0 before the changeover, and acquisitionvalue that is not zero after the changeover.
Check if the asset was supposed to reach the value 0 during the currentfiscal year due to a retirement or a transfer. If that is the case,reverse the last transaction and post it again.
Assets with zero down payments before the changeover, and down paymentsnot zero after the changeover.
Manually post a down payment or a down payment clearing to the assetfor the required amount.
The report shows if a number cases like those described above haveoccurred.
The report also analyzes all other assets. However, you do notnecessarily have to make adjustment postings for these other assets.

The report outputs two lines for each asset.
The first line shows the asset before the changeover. The second lineshows the asset after the changeover.