Programme SAP RADUTOPS - DD: Adjustment of ORA Parameters to db_block_size

This program modifies the storage parameters which are stored in thetables TGORA and IGORA. This is necessary if you have to work with ablock size which differs from the standard of 8196 bytes. If thestandard settings are used, for example with ORACLE PARALLEL SERVER,errors occur when tables are indexes are created.
The program reads the current block size from the data managementsystem before displaying the selection screen and stores it inparameter BLOCKSIZ.
If the program should be executed for a different block size (forexample because the one read is incorrect), a value can be insertedmanually in parameter BLOCKSIZ. If you execute the program immediately(F8) without previously confirming with 'RETURN', the block sizeentered is used. Currently, only the two sizes 8192 and 4096 arepermitted.
db_block_size = 8192
The standard SAP setting is used for all table categories deliveredsince Release 2.1.
db_block_size = 4096
The maximum number of extents is reduced to 150 while the size of thenextextent is doubled.

This program only runs on the ORACLE database management system.

The contents of tables TGORA and IGORA are changed.