Programme SAP RABIKA_ALV01 - Depreciation Comparison

Report RABIKA01 is for comparing depreciation from two or threedepreciation areas. These can be specified in the three entry fieldsfor the "depreciation area" in the request screen for the report.
If you enter three different depreciation areas, the first differenceshown is the difference between area 1 and 2; the second difference isthe difference between area 2 and 3.
If you select the parameter 'Positive diff. only', the report onlydisplays assets for which the difference between area 1 and thefollowing depreciation areas is positive. If you entered threedepreciation areas, an asset will be displayed when at least one of thedifferences is positive.

The report provides a comparison of depreciation in up to threedifferent depreciation areas. The report displays the following valuesin detail per asset and depreciation area:

  • The current acquisition cost

  • The planned ordinary depreciation for the current fiscal year

  • The planned book value at the end of the fiscal year

  • The difference in depreciation as compared to the previous depreciation
  • area
    If desired, you can also display special depreciation as well asordinary depreciation. You request this in the second request screen.

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